ArrivalVhen mysterious alien ship lands around the world, an elite team with the situation, including linguists Louise banks, who were recruited by helping the military to determine whether the world’s foreign or not to investigate a threat to humanity. Heartfall Arises 2016
Language: English
agulnyData January 12, 2017
Genre: Science Fiction
Duration: Not available
Distributor: Sony Pictures Releasing International
Starring: Amy Adams, Jeremi Renner, Forest Vhitaker, MajklStuhlbarg, Tzi Ma, Mark O’Brien
Director: Villeneuve
Format: 2D
Linguistics Professor Louise Bank (Amy Adams) leads an elite teamresearchers, when a huge space station in 12 locations around the world. As a nation teetering on the brink of global war, the bank and its crew must race against time to find a way to communicate with the host of extraterrestrial visitors. Hoping to solve the puzzle, It’s a chance that her life and canendanger the whole of humanity.
taalkundigeisregrutovani military to help translate the alien communication. If the mysterious spaceship hit around the world, the elite team – led by professional linguistic Louise banks come together to explore. If humanityIt is on the brink of global war swing, banks and the team race against time to answer – and to find them, it will be able to threaten your life, and perhaps humanity.