Blade Runner 2049Thirtyty years after the events of the first film, Officer K, the new Blade Runner for the Los Angeles Police, reveals the secrets of a long hill potentially an opportunity to produce the rest of society into chaos. With his discovery, K decided to go looking for finding the formerBlade Runner will disappear for 30 years, Rick Deckard.
Classification: NA
General Issue date: October 5, 2017
Genre: Sci-Fi
Duration: offline
Distributor: Sony Pictures Entertainment
Cast: Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Robin Wright, Dave Bautista
Directed by: Danny Villeneuve
Format: 2D
The discovery of young talentsRunner with a long-forgotten secret that led him to find the former Blade Runner Rick Decard, who lost in thirty years. Thirty years after the events of the first film, the new Blade Runner, LAPDFunkcjonariusz K (Ryan Gosling), eliminates a secret secret, with the potential to drownFrom the rest of society in chaos. The discovery of K for lead Siya in the quest to find Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), a former LAPD Blade Runner is missing for 30 years.