Case Study 3: XL + All DLC version
Repack released by FitGirl on 28 February 2017
Genres / Tags: Action, Shooter, Openworld, Third Person, 3D
Company: Avalanche Studios, Square Enix London Studios, Square Enix
Language: RUS / ENG / MULTI10
Original size: GB
Repack Size: GB
Scan errors after installation if these 2 files indicate incorrect inspection:
Inspection is correct, the file is good. Excuse
Set features
InBasierendThis ISO: (64.
Just Cause 3
789.387. Sniper Elite 3
VersionThe game, the version of all DLCs included
Losing 100% with full MD5: All files are similar to nature after installation (if installed with all options)
NOD broken, not encoded
Voluntary option option: you can fly download and install language files and credits videos that you need
Important memory storage size (you have inserted ~ GB, depending on the selected features)
InstallationPlay: ~ ~ 40 minutes on the CPU + SSD 8 cosi; ~ 1Ar 4-base + SSD; ~ Now on HDU + tabletsHDD 4; Up to 2 hours on CPU + HDD 2 wires
Depending on the potential for integrity, so you can make sure everything is relevant
HDD installation after installation: up to 61 GB (~ 64 GB during installation)
Use language in the root of the game to convert the language of the game
Repack uses the pzlib library from Razor12911
Requires at least 2 GB free RAM (Including Virtual) for installation of this second package
You can skip download features and language files that you need. Here it isList of selected files:
(Video Credits)
(Also for Polish / Japanese packaging)
For example, if you want to start a game with UI / lower / German titles, contact all voluntary / optional options and without voluntary loans, but download all the necessary files (01-19).
File saving time does not work for you
Open, at the root of the game in each text editor
And set a new custom path in the string: SavePath =% DEFAULT_CPY_DIR%
For example: SavePath = C:JC3_Saves
Also make sure you are surrounded by AR and compressed compressed for folder and brand.
Windows search must also work