Stop-motion series Robot Chicken is entitled animation program from Seth Green and Matthew Senreich, and is currently being broadcast in the middle of the night programming block „Adult Swim“ .Kakvo is Robot Chicken? „Robot Chicken“ is a dish of Chinese restaurants where Seth Matthew perception sorted out while they wrote the author: Seth GreenHe is known for his acting roles in dozens of films such as The Italian Job, Without a Paddle, and Austin Powers movies. She also appeared widely on television, membintangisiri hit Buffy the Vampire Slayer and as the voice of Chris in Family Senreich former editor ToyFare. He began his career working in comics beforejoining Wizard Entertainment, Wizard is a magazine that covers the comics, action figures, anime and collectible card games. Senreich ToyFare named editor, then editorial director for all original chicken Wizard in Theways, there has not been there like that since operation League NOW! The fact that so sangatacakepisode, but merekamasih happen to pull through and manage to be really funny without losing the audience’s attention as all randomized So read the rules and have fun on a random-ness simply Robot Chicken! moreless