Young and the Restless there revolves around the competition, novels, hopes and fears of the residents of the fictional Midwestern metropolis, Genoa City. The life and loves of a wide range of characters mix through the generations, dominated by households Newman, Abbott and Winters. When the show debuted in 1973, revolutionized the drama of the day.
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Continue to set the standard with strong characters, stories socially aware, romance and sensuality. Young and restless debutedMawrth a EN26 1973 originalkonsert30 minutes. It was not until January 1980 that the show a show from now as it has become today. The show was for years at 12:30 on the east coast, and at 11:00 on the west coast. Over the years, many things happen, and a lot of twisted story lines, steal a lot of people and a lot of people, but also drew attention to intersections another character with CBS soap, The Bold and the Beautiful. These include psychotic Sheila Carter, who indie Young and the Restless beginen show its most Bold and the Beautiful Thepsychotic. The same goes for Lauren Fenmore, which can also be seen in the Bold and the Beautiful from time to time. Young and the Restless is not like other soap that captures the surreal lifestyle. This view is, however, based on people’s lives in a small town called Genoa City, Wisconsin, where money is plentiful and so are the women. Regularly we niGallai We live in a small town, Midwestern, just to Sienhoe it would really be touched. Sometimes we reject our own problems and worries aboutwhat will happen in the series. We are very happy to have the world as they do in any soap! The song was written by Barry and Perry Botkin DeVorzon, and originally titled Bless the beasts film topic cotton, but later became known as Nadia