Title: Darksiders Varmastered Edition
Genre: Action RPG fast
Creator: Kaiko, Vigil Games
Publisher: Electronic Arts Nordic
Date: March 30, 2016
About this Game
Deceived by the forces of evil in causing premature
end of the world, war is the first horseman of the apocalypse
accused of breaking sacrumPrawo provoke a war between
Heaven and hell. In the slaughter that ensued, demonic forces
He defeated the heavenly hosts and filed a motion onEarth.
doneopred world Charred Council, War is accused of
His crimes and stripped of his powers. Dishonored and before
death, war możliwośćaby return to Earth to search
truth and punish those responsible.
Vigilante groups hunted Angels, War must take
The forces of Hell, forge uneasy alliances with the same demons hunt,
I love the remains of the Earth on his quest for
vengeance and vindication.
Apocalyptic version mocbes War, acombining brutal attacks and
to decimereniedereen Supernatural skills that stand in the way
Extreme Arsenal Vield devastating arsenal of angelic, demonic and earth
weapons; and blaze a path of destruction on top of Ruin, War fiery phantom horse
Epic Quest Battle across the wastelands and demon porażenialochy
decimated Earth, seeking revenge and redemption
The nature of Progress powerful computing features old medals, upgrade your weapons,
Unlock new skillsand to adapt the style svojeigranja
Battle Heaven and Hell fight against all who stand in the way – from war-weary
anielskieHells forces to the terrible hordes of demons
system Requirements
Minimum: Operating System: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10Processor: Intel or AMD Dual Core 4GB CPUMemori RAMGraphics DirectX 10 level, Intel or AMD cards with 1GB VRAMDirectKs: Version 11Storage 36 GB of free space
Recommended: OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10Processor: Intelor AMD Dual Core CPUMemori 8GB RAMGraphics: DirectX 11 Intel funkcijaNivoof AMD cards with 1GB VRAMDirectKs: Version 11Storage 36 GB of free space