Office of Special Projects (OSP) is a clandestine division of NCIS and resides in Los Angeles, California. They go undercover to capture criminals that pose a threat to national security. The team includes G Callen, the chameleon, Sam Hanna, Callen partner and expert assistance; Kensi Blye, the adrenalin junkie A; Marty Deeks, LAPD Liaison help matters NCIS intervention; Eric Beal and Nell Jones IT support and Henrietta „Hetty“ Lange, director of operations, not sóxestionamoney and material goods, but the band itself. They have access to the latest technological developments and to do what is necessary to get the job done. Nate Getz, worked as a psychologist, who helped the team with the mission and their own mental health and Dominic Vail, was a team newcomer.