Mathworks Matlab R2015a (64-bit) –
MATLAB is a high-level language and an interactive environment used by millions of engineers and scientists around the world. This allows you to explore and visualize ideas and cooperation in various disciplines, including signal processing and imaging,Communications, computer management and finance.
Put your ideas into life
You can use MATLAB in projects such as energy modeling to create intelligent networks, the development of control algorithms for analizuyuchydani aircraftHypersonicTywydd to visualize tracksAnd the intensity of hurricanes, and millions in modeling, to determine the optimal dose of antibiotics. SketchUp Make 2015“>TypingMaster 10.00
New features in the release
R2015a (Version) – Released March 5, 2015
Many new features included in MATLAB R2015a are based on the capabilities and gyflwynwydyn R2014b, including significant improvements inData, support for new hardware, and built-in documentation for custom toolbars. Explore the features below for more information.
Features New compatibility considerations
Documentation: DocumentationIntegration of custom toolbars in a browser using MATLAB
Documentation: Definition of the function that debuted
Array Size Limit: Limit the maximum size of the array to prevent accidental creation of very large matrices
CwblhauTab: Full class properties andFiles definition of class methods when editing
Customizing the User Interface: Controlling the User Interface Language
programming language
The function repelem: Copies again After some time from the elements of the array to create a larger range
DidoliNodweddion: nowStores cell line inputs formumasyvu
Isenum Function: Determines whether the variable transfer
Millisecond function: Conversion in milliseconds
Publication markup: Include external content file
FullFile function: support for each double point
PythonGwrthrychau: Indexingsupport
Python version: Support for MATLAB
Matlab Engine for Python: Support for startup settings
Matlab Engine for Python: Support for Unicode in Python
Converting the range of characters in a Java string: Saving null characters
WSDLVeb Service Documentation: Restrictions
Unit testing Framework: Tagar testsFor distribution and selection
Modular testing of the framework: along with performance tests
Unit Testing Framework: Sharing variables between test scenarios
Unit Testing Framework: Using test prekompilirovannye devices
Unit Testing Framework: Object ComparisonUsing isequaln
UnedFframwaith Testing: Precedents are expected to be Heterogeneous constraints of cases
Source of management Integration Package: View branch information and branch removal
C Library Matrix: New Features
Funktsionalnistbuduchy removed or changed
Diskretiziruetsya Function:Group or category of rhifiadolhopran data
Descriptive statistics: Omit NaN values in basic statistical calculations, including no more than, min, average, median is Var, and it is by default
Ismembertol and uniquetol features: Comparison of performance with a set tolerance
RandomNumbers: Generating random numbers using double precision, SIMD-oriented fast Mersenne algorithm Twister (dSFMT)
NearestNeighbor Function: alphaShape calibration of the nearest boundary
Funktsionalnistbuduchy removed or changed
Importing and exporting data
DataStore: Read one file gyflawngyda’r option“File“ for the ReadSize property
DataStore: reading data using the parallel function of the datastora section of the Computational Toolbox providing
Function of webwrite: Data transfer of HTTP service HTTP POST resting through
WebRead and websave Options: Data Web application applications using the HTTP POST method restful
XlsreadaReadtable functions: Reading large Excel file tables
TextScan and readtable Features: Back matching results when reading a string in quotes
Library Format File Science: Update
Features for deleting or editing
graphic arts
DrawnowNodweddion: Increase productivityIn animation with a new option
Features for deleting or editing
Running the MapReduce algorithms on any computer that supports clusters using several MATLAB Computing server pools is distributed: MapReduce
SwyddogaethauRhyngosodiad: Running fastMultithreaded computing
Hardware support
IP camera: Kupuvatyvideo directly IP camera
BeagleBone Black Equipment: Black Access Support BeagleBone Equipment for MATLAB BeagleBone Black Hardware
Arduino equipment: Arduino Leonardo and access to another motherboard with MATLAB for Arduino Hardware Support Package
AccessoriesArduino: configurePin New function
Features for deleting or editing